Our Church

Our Story
H. E. Metropolitan Serapion established St. Mary & St. Verena church on March 30, 1997. The church started with Saturday services at a rented space (The Rock Church) in Fullerton, CA. After Fr. Joseph Boules was ordained in June 1997, we moved services to Sundays in August 1997. Services were held for five years (until May 2002) at a rented space from Anaheim's First Southern Baptist Church. The congregation purchased and moved into a church building in Anaheim in May 2002. Then, we had the blessed ordinations of Archi Jacob Abdelmalak in December 2011. Fr. Andrew Hanna was ordained on October 5, 2014, and served at St. Mary & St. Verena till August 15, 2024. In August 2017, the congregation purchased and moved into our current Yorba Linda, CA campus. On April 22, 2024, we had the blessed ordination of Deacon Samuel Ibrahim.
Our Vision
"A Christ-centered community, spiritually developed and heavenly oriented."
Our Mission
"To be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to 'Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit….'
Meet our clergy

Deacon Samuel Ibrahim
Archi Abdelmalak was ordained on 12/5/2011 to serve our church.
Deacon Samuel Ibrahim was ordained on April 22, 2024, by the Hands of H.E. Metropolitan Serapion, HG Bishop Abraham, and HG Bishop Kyrillos.

Fr. Joseph Boules
Father Joseph Wahba Boules was born on October 21, 1964.
He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from the California Polytechnic University at Pomona. He served as Deacon and Sunday School Teacher from 1981 to 1997 at Saint George Church in Bellflower, California.
His Grace Bishop Serapion ordained him a presbyter on June 22, 1997 and on Sunday, May 22, 2016, he was elevated to the priestly dignity of Hegumen by His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion.
With his wife Mary, they have two children: Gregory and Daniel.
Fr. Boules was ordained on June 22, 1997 by the Hands of H.G. Bishop Serapion, and H.G. Bishop Thomas, to serve our church. He was elevated to the rank of Hegumen on 5/22/2016.
St. Mary & St. Verena church is part of the
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles, Southern California & Hawaii,
headed by H.E. Metropolitan Serapion.